Sunday, June 17, 2007

Stylish Couple

Quite the handsome couple don't you think.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Little Big League Players

This is Olivia's t-ball team from the tournament on Saturday. She is on the far left. They played hard and had a good time and received medals, so she was happy with that. They didn't "win the day" as she described it, but they had fun and that is all that matters.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Prom Night

Ok everyone get ready to feel old. This is Alison, Kelly's daughter, and her date for the prom. They went on the Gateway Clipper and had a fabulous time. Kelly said that Alison changed her hair color from a blonde to the dark brown to look like her aunt Cindy, which is something she likes to do. Not a bad person to want to be either. These kids are growing up too fast. Oh no! I sound like my mother!!!!